Welcome to the Progressive Wage Hub, a dynamic platform that serves as a pivotal link between workers, employers, academia, government, and the public. Our mission is to facilitate the convergence of ideas and insights, fostering informed discussions and collaborations that drive the advancement of fair and sustainable wage practices. With a commitment to promoting inclusive and equitable work environments, we strive to create a positive impact and drive positive change in the labor landscape. Follow us in shaping the future of work through informed dialogue and collaborative efforts toward a more just and prosperous society.
Berbeza dengan gaji minimum, ini 4 fakta perlu diketahui mengenai Dasar Gaji Progresif
Model gaji progresif perlu mesra PMKS
Dasar Gaji Progresif perlu ada garis panduan saksama bagi pekerja dan majikan
Gaji permulaan siswazah rendah: Mengapa terjadi? Bagaimana atasi? Apa pilihan dasar yang ada?
Kerja di sektor kurang produktif punca graduan dibayar gaji rendah
Malaysia needs an independent wage commission
Gaji progresif perlu seiring gaji minimum, pelengkap sistem gaji di Malaysia - Pakar
[KOLUMNIS] Suruhanjaya Gaji untuk masa depan mampan
[COLUMNIST] Uplifting middle-wage workers using a progressive wage model
Gaji progresif: Jangan hanya sasar pekerja bawahan
[KOLUMNIS] Langkah tepat memperkenalkan model gaji progresif
[COLUMNIST] Right move to introduce Progressive Wage Model
Kerajaan teliti dasar sistem gaji progresif - Rafizi
Progressive wage model is good for employees and employers
Empat cadangan EU-ERA mengenai naikkan had umur persaraan
Tingkatkan kadar gaji, noktahkan beban kos sara hidup - Penganalisis
Our wages are too low to cope with the rising cost of living
Salary hike should be on par with productivity, say experts
Tingkat gaji, upah kunci 'jalan keluar'
Kita perlu berubah kepada model gaji progresif - Pakar ekonomi