Bridging the Gap in Knowledge and Policy
Welcome to the Progressive Wage Hub, a dynamic platform that serves as a pivotal link between workers, employers, academia, government, and the public. Our mission is to facilitate the convergence of ideas and insights, fostering informed discussions and collaborations that drive the advancement of fair and sustainable wage practices. With a commitment to promoting inclusive and equitable work environments, we strive to create a positive impact and drive positive change in the labor landscape. Follow us in shaping the future of work through informed dialogue and collaborative efforts toward a more just and prosperous society.
Sesi Perbincangan mengenai Tadbir Urus Pelaksanaan Model Gaji Progresif bagi Industri Pembersihan

Satu sesi perbincangan bersama MPC dan agensi yang berkaitan telah diadakan dalam usaha untuk membangunkan sebuah tadbir urus kumpulan pekerja khususnya industri pembersihan di Malaysia.

Sesi perbincangan ini diadakan adalah untuk memberi fokus kepada pembentukan kumpulan kerja tripartite seperti mana di Singapura dan sesi ini melibatkan MACC dan MTUC yang merupakan Chair dan co-chair tripartite industri pembersihan dalam mengadaptasikan model gaji progresif.